Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Traffic Report

Hey everyone, I hope the day is going well for all. Our Sunday morning program for Route56 at RockPoint Church is called "Traffic Jam". I will begin doing a report about how our Sunday service went for all of you to see. This is a way for me to recap our program and for other people to chime in and hopefully provide some feedback. Also if you are a parent of a student in the ministry you can get a better idea of what is going on. Here it is my first report.

Attendance: Below Average (Fall Break)
Lesson Topic: Week 2 of series "411" Topic: Purity & Self Control
'Fun Factor': Good -
Team Participation: Average (Missing quite a few, but the others made up for it)
Music: Average +
Lesson Quality: Average ( I could have done better)
Small Group Quality: Awesome
Length of Lesson: 10 minutes
Student Response: Very Good


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