Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The "Traffic Jam" Report

Hey everyone, here is my weekly review of our Sunday program from 10-22-06 for your curiousity. It was a good Sunday. Not my best, but still a good one. My team did a great job in small groups, and in connecting with kids. We are still working on "time management" and a few other things but it is coming together. I am looking forward to starting a new series and changing up the pace of things.

Attendance: Good
Lesson Topic: wk-4 of series "411" Creation
'Fun Factor': Below average (not a lot of energy this week)
Team Participation: Excellent (great small groups)
Music: Excellent
Lesson Quality: Below Average ( on my end, not on small groups)
Small Group Quality: Excellent
Length of Lesson: 10 minutes
Student Response: Good/Excellent

Have a great week everyone!


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