Monday, September 25, 2006

It is a Monday.

Well, folks all I can say is that it is a Monday. I am pretty tired today as yesterday was a long day. I was up early in the morning because my daughter woke up at 4am and I had to be up at 5am for church. I went to my service and right when it was over I had to rush and tear down my classroom. I was going to the Cardinals game and had to get done fast. The Cardinals was so disappointing because they had so many chances to win the game, and the blew it! Well, it is the Cardinals and nothing ever changes with them, right? Anyway, today is a planning day which means I will be planning this next Sunday's Route56 service, as well as a sermon for the high school group. Oh yea, and don't forget about winter camp for 2007. So yep, it is a busy day, but I am totally excited about it all. Until next time, have a great day, and keep on truckin'.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

cardinals rock as an N.F.L team but Notre Dame is the best dang NCAA team ever.