Sunday, January 28, 2007

Christian Youth Challenge "YouTube"

Saw this interesting article on "The Christian Post". Here is an excerpt from the article:

More than a month ago, atheists began to blaspheme the existence of God on the popular YouTube network. Today, Christians are turning the tables and taking up the challenge to stand up to their faith in Jesus Christ publicly.

"I'd like to personally praise the Lord for all He does for me," said one young participant in the newly launched "Praise the Lord Challenge" on YouTube. "He's done so much for me and I've only known him a few years."

The Praise the Lord Challenge counters a $25,000 campaign launched before Christmas where atheists, many of whom are young students, videotape their blasphemy, denying the existence of the trinity. "The Blasphemy Challenge" is giving away 1,001 DVDs of the documentary "The God Who Wasn't There" to participants. The only price, the campaign states, is "your soul."

I highly encourage you to follow the link below and read the rest of this story. As mature Christians we need to encourage our youth to stand up for Christ as "The Word of God will bring people to faith in Jesus Christ."

The Challenge Blasphemy Project

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